Important delivery notice:

Dear customers, ALL orders will be dispatched within 1-3 days.

Minumum order is limited to amount of 10 Euros.

Currently we do not ship to UK and USA.

Please help us and sign the petition against upcoming EU law for seeds distribution, you can read more here - Petition






2,00 €
net price
15 seeds

Kalettes is the brand new name for the delicious, nutritious vegetable formerly known as Brukale or the flower sprout. This British bred variety is a more subtle tasting combination of the two great traditional European flavors of Kale and Brussels Sprouts. ‘Flower sprouts’ are versatile, nutritious and an attractive addition to a meal. The attractive, rosette-like shoots can be steamed, boiled, microwaved, stir-fried, sautéed or eaten raw, have a delicious taste and contain twice as much of vitamins E and B6 as Brussels sprouts, on top of which 100gm supplies an adult with two thirds of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.


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